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GPS Locations

copyright 2000-2012 Uderzo Umberto - www.uderzo.it

GPS Locations:

Here you can find some interesting locations I have been since I began using my GPS unit. There are not much locations for now, maybe I'll return to some old locations and measure them.

I hope that these images may be useful if you plan a trip near their coordinates :)

Please note: all images are copyright by Uderzo Umberto and cannot be copied in any way without previous written permission by the author.

Pale di S. Martino (N46 15.610 E11 50.231)

Pale di S. Martino (N46 15.417 E11 50.388 - 2288mt)

Please note: all images are copyright by Uderzo Umberto and cannot be copied in any way without previous written permission by the author.