GPS Area

copyright 2000-2012 Uderzo Umberto - www.uderzo.it

GPS Area:

Welcome in the GPS area. Here you can find stuff about these incredible devices. The area is just born, so you will not find so much material. But we hope to grow.

My first GPS was (ad IS) a Garmin GPS-V. The first thing I missed was a decent mount for my car, since I fear using adhesive on my car desk and the original portable mount was too expensive for my taste.
After looking around to see various solutions (there aren't many of course) I decided to build it myself (with a little effort).
If you are interested, have a look at How to build a self-made portable mount for the Garmin GPS-V.

GPS Locations:
Here I wish to collect a few pictures of the locations where I have been, with relative coordinates if you wish to plan a trip :)
Please have a look at GPS Locations.

The following are links I feel interesting about the GPS world and particularly the GPS-V model: