copyright 2000-2004 Uderzo Umberto - www.uderzo.it
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Welcome to the home of Sfera Modeler, a total parametric/total programmable 3d modeling and rendering environment.

The application is still under hard development, and is not yet available to download. You can however have a look to some screenshots and technical information in the Sfera Area. When the application will be enough complete and stable to be an alpha version, there will be a download choice to let you try it and to suggest changes and/or integrations.

If you are interested in some flash productions, you can explore the Flash Area.

If you own a Palm(R) device have a look to the Palm Area.

If you like GPS devices have a look to the GPS Area.

If you wish to look at some photos, have a look to the Photo Area.

The Sfera Modeler Team

for more info please contact

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